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The nature of law firms that collect and process continually growing number of documents on one side and conducting the projects engaging many experts on the other side requires having an infrastructure enabling central management of essential content for their activity. TimeFrame Documents provides wide range of solutions enabling complex management of documents supporting, at the same time, team work.

TimeFrame Documents software:

  • provides the control of the process of collecting and processing the documents from the moment of adding the document, creating its description, categorising, allotting the place of storage, to version control, data protection, to effective search and easy access.
  • provides simple and secure way of using the documents by many users, sharing them and co-creating the documentation, quick search and finding the current versions of essential documents.
  • supports the procedures connected to keeping the information circulation secure – it allows to control the users’ processes in scope of saving, downloading and editing the documents, it enforces saving the essential e-mails both internal and external, it enables assigning authorisation and blocking the access.
  • it gives the possibility of working with the software in directly standardized user environment e.g. MS Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook
  • thanks to Web module enabling the access to the database with Internet browser, it also provides the access to needed documents from outside the office – at the meeting, business travel.

Modern and multilayer structure of TimeFrame Documents allows to integrate the software with other IT solutions already existing in the company. It also allows integration with TimeFrame Systems products:


logo-tfs-stopkaTimeFrame Software sp. z o.o. - All right reserved, 2016
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